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改訂版 法律英語の用法・用語




4,180 (本体:3,800円) 在庫あり


長谷川 俊明 著

  • 単行本
  • 企業法務
ISBN 978-4-474-06435-5
発刊年月日 2018-11-29
判型 A5判/C2034
ページ数 416
巻数/略称 /法律英語
商品コード 064352




はしがき ⅰ

apostrophe colon(:) / semicolon(;) / comma(,) dash hyphen

A … a, an / the above / aforesaid absolute / absolutely according
/ in accordance with accordingly actual / compensatory
/ constructive adhesive/ adhesion adoption/ convergence advice
/ opinion after / since / from agency/agent agree / agreement a.k.a.
/ d.b.a. also / too amend/ correct/ revise among / between and and / or any one or more arbitrage/ arbitration/ arbitrator arising out of
/ in connection with/ in relation to as as to / regarding / as regards / concerning assume / presume at law / in equity at law and in equit
y at one's discretion at one's option attorney / lawyer award
/ judg(e)ment/ decision aware/ awareness 

B … be free to / at liberty because / since / for before /
by behalf / forbest efforts, reasonable efforts, good-faith efforts, diligent efforts (to the)best of one's knowledge bind/ binding board/ boarding/ border boilerplate breach/ default business buyout/ cashout/ earnout by and between by mutual consent (agreement) 

C … cancel chair/ chairperson charge charter class/ classic comfort commercially reasonable common / mutual compact compliance
/ comply condition conform/ conformity consideration consort/ consortium constitute / constitution construe
/ constructive corporate authority covenant custom/ customary/ customer

D … damages data portability data protection data transfer date deadlock deem default rule define/ definite/ definition demand deposit/ depository derivative discovery dispute distributor/ distributorship due due to durable/ duration 

E … escalate/ escalation/ escalator estimate / estimation evidence / proof / testimony exclusive / sole exclusive negotiation exclusively execute/ execution/ executive exhibit express/ expressly 

F … facilitate/ facilitation fee file firm/ firm offer final franchise/ franchiser/ franchisee free from~ / free of~ from~to~
/ from~till~ fundamental 

G … global good/ goods good faith grant/ grantor guaranty of collection/ guaranty of payment 

H … here / there hereby hold harmless from (or against)~ hub 

I … if / when / where / in case in connection with/ in relation to
/ out of in kind in one's judgment including without limitation~ inconsistent independent individual/ individually intelligence
/ information irreparable 

J … joint and several jurisdiction/ jurist 

K … knowingly 

L … lawyerism lease agreement/ loan agreement legal / lawful
/ licit liability liquidate/ liquidation 

M … master material/ materially may 【1】 may 【2】 memorandum mitigate/ mitigation must / shall mutual/ mutually 

N … nation/ national net(ting) no adverse change no shopping
/ no talk non-sublicensable / non-transferable notwithstanding 

O … obligee/ obligor offer/ order on / upon one(1) week… or 【1】
 or 【2】 or otherwise outlet 

P … pan- permanent post/ posting prevail principal/ principle private
/ privity/ privy privilege prompt / without delay
/ soon protest provided ;provided, how-ever, that~ public 

R … reasonable reasonable care / utmost care recall recitals recourse / non-recourse refer/ referee/ reference refusal (right) remedy
/ relief represent / warrant representation requirement(s) resort right risk allocation/ risk assumption rule / ruling / regulation 

S … same / such / said scout secure/ secured/ security(ies) shall shall / will shop/ shopping should / would sign/ signature simulate/ simulation/ simulator site/ sight specific squeeze standard-form contract standstill subject to / conditional upon (on) substitute
/ substitution sur- survive/ survival 

T … term(s) terminate territory text therefore
/ therefor third party time is of the essence trade transfer 

U … U.S.$~ unconditionally understand
/ understanding unless otherwise~ until 

V … veil 

W … waive/ waiver warranty whatsoever / howsoever whereas will within / under without limiting the generality of the foregoing without prejudice work/ worker 






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